Bowling Center
Wed. - Sat.: 5 pm - Close
Other times available by reservation
JAX Grille
Serving Food during Bowling Hours
Daily 5pm to Close...
Daily Special...
Fri. & Sat 5pm to Close...
Fri. & Sat. Special...
Hourly Rate per Lane...
Family Fun Pack...
Birthday Party...
Cosmic Bowling...
Junior Card Holder...
Traffic Light Card Holder...
Shoe Rental...
$4.00 per game per person
$10.00 (2 games & Shoes)
$4.25 per game per person
$11.00 (2 games & Shoes)
$24.00 Up to 6 people
$55 for 1 hour of bowling, pizza
(up to 2 toppings) & pitcher of soda
(6 people max)
$10 per child 1 game, shoes, Pizza
(up to 2 toppings) & Pitcher of Soda
(10 person Minimum)
$4.25per game per person
$0.50 off per game, per person
$0.50 off per game, per person
$3.00per pair